Under this scheme, legal aid is available to cases of personal injury and death and medical, dental and legal professional negligence, where the claim for damages is likely to exceed$ 60000. 根据这项计划,法律援助适用于索偿额可能超过六万元的讼案,包括人身伤害,以及医疗、牙科及法律专业疏忽申索。
Emphasizing ideas of weighing the prescribed punishment in professional negligence; 强调对业务过失加重法定刑的观念;
On the Headmaster Professional Permissible dangerous theory and use in criminal negligence in professional work 校长职业化管窥容许的危险理论及在业务过失犯罪中的应用
In judicial practice, the fact whether CPA firms should take the responsibility lies in the judgment of the subjective negligence while professional duties should be regarded as the criterion in judging the subjective negligence. 在司法实践中,会计师事务所是否承担责任关键要根据对其主观过错的认定,而专家职业义务应作为主观过错认定的标准。
Certified public accountant for failure to exercise due professional care because of negligence and false report issued, the accounting firm and its commitment to adapt to the added fault liability. 对于注册会计师因未保持应有的职业谨慎,因过失而出具不实报告的,会计师事务所承担与其过失相适应的补充赔偿责任。
In domestic the medical negligence is mostly defined that: it is a kind of professional negligence that medical institutions or medical personnel violate their diligence obligations, which may cause physical or property damages to patients. 国内现有的理论,大都将医疗过失定义为:医疗机构或者医务人员违反其应负的注意义务,可能引起患者人身财产损害的一种专业过失行为,是医疗事故的构成要件之一。